Opening Up!

Opening up about your problems is a very important thing to do, by bottling them up it will only allow the problem to fester which will in turn make you feel an intense amount worse. Recently I have been struggling to talk about my problems and it has led to my life becoming very difficult; but it didn’t only become difficult for me; it also made it very hard for my friends to watch me going through it, leading to me pushing them away and them not knowing what to honestly do; causing many arguments, not because we wanted to hurt each other but because neither of us knew what to do.

So, I finished work for the half term on tuesday and went straight over to cleobury to see some of my friends and it took me a long; long time to finally begin talking, but normally it would take me a couple of drinks to get me talking, however not this time I didn’t consume a single alcoholic beverage and once we went home we decided that neither of us were actually tired; so we went for a walk up to the playing field and sat there watching the stars; then it began I started talking and from then it must of been an hour before I actually stopped talking, it took me becoming ice cold, insanely shaky and unable to hold things let alone able to hold myself very well; so at this point we decided maybe it was late enough and should go home to get some sleep.

I didn’t necessarily talk about everything that was bothering me; because in fact I didn’t talk about everything and there is an ever increasing amount more that I need to get out of my system, but by opening up once to one of my very amazing friends, it aided me to realise how much I actually do trust her completely and it was good to put the feeling into words.I don’t think once I put my thoughts into words this time, I would hesitate to talk to her again since spilling my feelings once.

So, what I’m saying is find someone you trust completely; you could have a couple of people but generally it is good to have one main person to talk to; because that way it means that you don’t have to go over your problems over and over again; causing you to be emotional on more than just one occasion about something. Im not saying that you will instantly feel better, because I wouldn’t say that I feel on top of the world again its a process; but if you have someone to talk to it means that you can share and they may in fact be a massive help or may have something similar that they are working through, which will help to work you through your issues. Don’t just sit awake at night worrying about what people will think, or crying, or being unable to sleep because so much is going through your head. Also, don’t allow yourself to get to the point of wanting to hurt yourself or end your life; don’t even get to the point where you want to run away from everyone around you because you feel alone or isolated.

By stegosaurus19

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